Wilmslow Astro

Astronomy from a Cheshire suburb

What's Going On?

A collection of thumbnails to give a quick overview of some of the current events taking place. This page has only just been started, if you have any suggestions for additional links please tell me.

Click on the thumbnails to get more information.

The sky at 10pm GMT for North West UK (if it isn't cloudy!)
Courtesy of Heavens Above

Where is ISS now

ISS now

aurora graph
aurora status

Geo-magnetic levels at York

Aurora circle

Current aurora activity. The arrow points to the midday position.

the sun now

The sun now

You have to have Java enabled to see the moon information

Double click any of the objects for more information

Courtesy Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. All rights reserved.